PUBLIC "THANK YOU!" To my Kids! From (writeousmom!)
Awww.... Got treated to breakfast and their great company in downtown pleasanton... My daughter talked about her recent over night trip to the zoo... My son about baseball... I made a few efforts but it turned out that, well, -something like this:
"Did I already tell you about Cortney..
And then both my kids kinda about the same time go, "..and the cigarettes.."
And then I go.."oh.. I guess already told you that one. Well, did I tell you about how the guy from main street meat and fish..
And then my son goes, "..saved you from the bug..."
So I was like, "darn I already told you that one too..
Well, what about the awards I'm giving out today with the mayor.."
And both my kids are like.. "At the library.."
So I eventually surrendered and realized I had nothing new to say
But then..!
"Have I told you my plans for when you two are thriving in college?"
And it turns out that I had not! I shared the following:
"After you two are both thriving in college I am going to dedicate 5 or 6 years of my life to helping victims of human trafficking.."
And I talked about how I'm pretty sure I'll end up in Atlanta..
And at some point my daughter asked me, "what will you do?"
-as in, specifically.
And I said, my business card will say:
"I help put the light back in young girls eyes"
-there is no position for which I am more well qualified.
And in my imagination, when I apply for this position
It will be the very first time I will be able to be honest about and proud of my background and experience.
-because I've come close... I've thought about it...
I've certainly wanted to!
But never in any job interview, when they ask about what obstacles you've overcome.. Never has it seemed appropriate to say,
"Well, -I've survived three different kidnappings and rapes..."
But! When I go to Atlanta.. They will appreciate my experience I'm very confident.
And! It has never seemed appropriate at any former job interview either to explain that.. One of my greatest strengths..
In one word..
"It's love."... So, in my imagination, .. I have the write experience as I have survived horrific abuse.. I have had the light stolen from my eyes..
I know what it feels like and I know what it looks like..
And when I look in the mirror today.. Even if my hair is not freshly painted or combed.. Even if my clothes are a mess... Even if I have skin problems or a drippy nose or unbrushed teeth..
When I look in the mirror..
I can see that the light is back in my eyes!
...this requires a lot of love from a lot of people over a very long period of time..
I have a lot of love to offer these girls...
"After I dedicate 5 or 6 years of my life to helping victims of human trafficking..
I'm going to come back.. And my next goal..
Is to be..
A Rockin' grandma!"
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