Monday, May 12, 2014


These years have been tough
Struggling with grades and stuff
But there's always a bright side
The door to success is very wide
My friends are always there for me
Noah, Nick, Zach, and Matthew P.
Most of the time, friends leave each other
They always thought they were a brother
My organization is always a mess
So I always have to deal with the stress
I always thought I was the best
Until I got  problems like:
Which put me to rest
School is filled with drama...
"Did you know that Bill said..."
Drama is something that you will dread
Middle school is hard
I will always be scarred
With the fact that
The three years I went here was
One step to success.


I am unable to format his poem on my phone and center the lines/sad face here..

And a reminder to programmers/coders as technology moves forward:

For poets...  The ability to space things a certain way; to play with words; to make up words, to play with fonts..  To mix this, move that.. Add this, shift that..

The upshot is this:  poets need an empty canvas.  All the bells and whistles and auto-this/auto-that features, restrict and imprison our creativity and self expression

Traditional and/or formal writing standards: capital here, indent there.. Paragraph breaks and sentence structure..   These are helpful for formal and business correspondence.  -sadly, also for academic papers..

But for poetry..

Most of those features are counterproductive.

Poetry is more like graphic design/graphic art..

"Thank You!" In advance for considering the poets as you continue programming.. And improving..  And evolving...


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