Thursday, December 23, 2010

YOU ARE NOT THAT a poem from the archives by (me!) sandra, tvgp

originally written/posted, nov 25th, 2008


you are not your pretty face
you are not your scars

y0u are not the house you keep
you are not your car

you are not your business card
your illness or your health

you are a cherished child of God
ever green, beloved.

you are not what others think
based on current trends

you are loved, day in, day out
on purpose, without end

if they stuck you in a mud pit
or covered you in jewels

or plopped you in a foreign land
without any foreign tools

if they placed you on a pedestal
then kicked you off for fun

none of this
is who you are
in the eyes of God.

you are not your ignorance
and you are not your knowledge

you are a cherished child of God
ever green, beloved.

~sandra, tvgp


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