Thursday, October 03, 2024

i am a fan of this adorable, wonderful, delightful (secular) movie.. (me!) sandra, ~topps, writeousmom

if not for a long list of higher priorities, i would write in great detail, my response and experience watching inside out 2.   i will jot only, 

  -written/told from an exclusively secular point of view

  -and how long it took me, personally, to experience     -to interpret, to learn,  that i had evolved/graduated to getting to feel just, or merely 'embarrassed.'

; before i evolved and graduated, i exclusively interpreted/identified my [given] experience as 'feeling'

mortified! & humiliated! 

   -more when time/circumstance allow..   2025-ish

God only knows,  /i say with a smile.    amen. 


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