Friday, June 10, 2022

Why On Earth Would We Do That!? (sexy! & topps!) #haiku #courage #tattoo @writeousmom

God's healing process
Heart searches for safe landing
finds courage to love.

every once in a while, someone will ask us if we go to church

-when our children were young, and post divorce for each of us, individually;
we brought our children and attended church on sundays.


"and do you know what sexy?"  i said with a smile, 

"can't you feel God smiling?  -because, now..

retired and free, getting to choose how we spend time, anyway we want..

look what we do!

we freely choose to start every. single. day with church tv and prayer

and we don't get paid for it..

we are not obligated to do it..

we are under no social pressure to be seen..

utterly, completely, freely

we do this.   -that's pretty awesome"


for anyone who might be going to church because they think they 'have' to..


and for our young people, 20's - 40's; i sure do recommend


 and every once in an even greater while, someone will ask about my tattoo

i've already written, so to avoid repetitiveness will skip to:

attitude adjustments along the way

initially when someone expressed hating it, i would get such a fleshly rise out of 
letting them go on and on, and then, after they exhausted themselves, 
i would summon my most polite tone under the circumstance and say with a smile, something like, 
"yes..  thank you for sharing.  -but just so you know, 
your liking it, was not part of my criteria for getting it."

and truth be told, 

the same is true, for when someone paid my tattoo high compliments.
your compliments are not part of my criteria..  but i never responded that way to compliments;
just said, "thank you"

now, if someone shares hate or disgust, i just say, "yeah, tattoos aren't for everybody..."

and won't bullet point here the evolution of when/how i changed my answers
over the years to the question, 'what does it stand for'

rather i'll go straight to the original and authentic answer

it stands for courage.

you can do your own research here if you'd like..
everything Dr Maya Angelou had to say about courage..

and i would later learn that famous philosophers in history
had the same thing to say about courage many years prior

[was she validating? borrowing/sharing what she learned?]


wow!  it seems to fit even better now, at 56
than it did, when i initially got my tattoo at age 40


aren't you blessed, lucky, fortunate if you get to navigate life with -confidence-

because i continue to primarily navigate with courage.

courage, is not the absence of fear, concerns, etc.

it is moving forward despite fears, concerns


i do directly rely on and credit the holy spirit for my courage.

"Thank You Jesus!   ~amen."



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