Sunday, February 14, 2021

Writer Friends Forever (squidmann & SHE)

 Happy Valentines to Squidmann & Spike  

  -I keep saying to my friends/family, "Mag Time Frames Forever!"    /even though we know...

but, honey..  i am still making them.   true story.    and love it just as much as i ever did.   And so, how wonderful for Valentines..  to post your recent ultra fantastic heart(s) seen contributions; and remember when you & your wife came to make a make a mag time frame in downtown pleasanton...  and remember, and Thank Jesus in prayer..   the very reason we ever even met:   i wanted to make a commercial for my mag time frame product...   and how that resulted in one of the most fun, funny, entertaining, creative, playful and rewarding friendships between two writers.     5 days a week/9 years of blog correspondence if i remember correctly.  And "Thank You!" for introducing me to the blogosphere..  i mean look; i have never shut up.    a toast..    "to everyone who loves writing!"    Happy Valentines Day my forever writer friend      ~sandy cheeks


By a rather talented sparrow on my patio!

-audible laughter...   why are these always my favorites?  ... the poop, stomped on gum... spills...  otherwise trash & toxins,   -and yet...      a hint of love.       happy valentines to you & spike!  i'll post it on the 14th       blessings!   ~s.c.


Mother Nature carved this heart into the cliff just for you!


Okay, I hope you appreciate all my work on this one. The heart was formed by the clouds on the TV show “Vikings.” It was on the screen for just a split second. So I rewound the show and recorded the clip with my camera. Then I uploaded it to some movie making software on my computer  where I took a still from it. I do it all for you!
The funny thing was later in the show they used the very same clip again as a transition. I doubt that many people noticed it, but I did!
Also, here’s the clip it came from. You can see how quickly the heart appeared and disappeared. Nice catch, Leonard! I think you have me trained!



AWESOME!!    yes...  well trained!   like a heart seen jedi.   i'm so proud

and "Thank You!" for these also.     I love having my birthday and valentines write next to each other.  love. family. friends. cards. chocolate. flowers. gifts. romance. great meals. cake.

hey... wait a minute

we know math is not my strongest suit, but...

if i'm now 55

and we met in the early 2000's

and like, + 18 years or so...  -and i'm pretty sure you are like 15 years older?  12?    7?


  when i do a little addition, multiplication, division and algebra...

plus factor in a january birthday, so plus subtract a month

that makes you...

OLDer than (me!)


And as a bonus, Melinda took this (blurry) one today!

you two are very blessed!!  xoxo   what a charming shape on this one
happy valentines!


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