Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Isnt that grand! by (me!) sandra, tvgp

this is going to be a bit unorganized:   -first,

or last?

or at some point before, after or during the reading of this post:

Type the word   grandmother   in the search bar of this blog.


Now,  if i were to ask you, 'how are you feeling today, -happy or sad?'

-you would be able to answer, because we each come quite intelligently designed and created with some sort of something inside our brains that allows us to experience and interpret our feelings.

and i, along with an unknown amount of others,  also come equipped with some kind of something inside our brains that allows us to experience and interpret whether we are generating or receiving an idea, or inspiration, or communication..

and in this case, i have ~received~ this...   almost like instructions, as something i should write:

it is to be called, isn't that grand.

and the analogy is as follows:

you are using someone else's car... 

a company car, let's say,  -not your own car.   and you do something you know you are not supposed to..  like, using it for personal .. not business..    and you use it to go run some personal errands, and while its parked, it gets a visible scratch and ding..

your stress level escalates...    and your brain begins hosting a variety of stories, and explanations, and out write lies, and half truths, etc. as you picture and imagine yourself having to be accountable to your boss later that day.


in scenario 1:   the boss is a mean spirited, strict and stressed out, controlling, dictator type..    practically waiting to catch you doing something wrong..   and now has the ammunition...

in scenario 2:   the boss is your very consistently loving grandma; she is the type who knows, yes.. you'll probably use the company car for personal use on some occasions..   and she knows accidents happen...   and she knows..   well, she just already knows you feel terrible, and scared and exposed...   

in fact,   -in scenario 2:   not only does grandma know you used the company car for personal use...  and that there is a new scratch and ding..

she knows better than to even mention it.   -never says a thing..


next:   use your imagination to pretend it is now a couple days later and they need you to use the company car again..

you stay quite on purpose and on task this time..  only driving to and from where you were required to go.


is your internal motivation to do the write thing the second time around the same? -the same for the mean-spirited boss as the loving grandma?   or is it out of fear with the mean-spirited boss, and out of love and respect for the grandmother?

-motivation matters.

and God is like a consistently loving grandmother

-he already knows...    -he won't even mention it...

he gives you second chances...   many chances..

but God is not nearly as concerned with changed behavior as he is your motivation for changing it..

in Jesus knows you by name,     -hallelujah and amen!


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