Thursday, October 01, 2015

The Holy Trinity as understood/explained by (me!) sandra, tvgp

over the years and through a variety of conversations, I have found the Holy Trinity dialogue akin to Abbott & Costello's classic 'who's on 1st' comedy routine.

I do not make that comparison with any I'll intention or disrespect; I mean it ....   well, if you jump in and listen, it really does start to sound silly..

"The father, son and holy spirit..  "

"They are 3..  "

"No. They are one"

"The father, son and holy spirit..  Are one..? But we just listed 3..?"

"They are 3, but all one.."

"Um.. what is the definition of TRInity.. Does not the Tri.. Stand for 3?"

"Yes, but the three are actually one.."

"Why do we not call it the ...   Holy All-in-one?"

"Because there are three:  the father. The son. And, the Holy Spirit.  -that's a Trinity."

"But..  K.  Wait a minute..  Didn't you just say they are one?"


and, honest to God, I've eavesdropped on these conversations that can go back and forth like that for a half hour

/that is..  also, by the way..  30 minutes..   half of 60..  which is considered  'whole' but is really only a portion of a larger number

all things being relative to infinity.  how can we have a 'whole' anything really?  -write.   its all a portion..


i am no scholar, but, i find that my humble little human brain will struggle to land on a definition/understanding of all things un-understandable,

and if my heart, my mind and my body all agree..  

the trinity that is one (me!),

well then, sometimes not even the Pope, or Bible, or CEO of the official true religion can influence what I managed to finally make sense to (me!)

-it would kinda be like someone trying to tell Cheryl strayed, upon completion of her epic trek "this is not actually where you finish..

what you really need to do is go over there"

at which point Cheryl is quite justified in saying:

whatever the hell she wants.


I've landed here:

God.   -that's one.  God is love.

Love! is experienced BETWEEN people..

So, we have the Son..   that's two: God and the Son..

The Love that exists between them... The Holy Spirit.  -that's 3.

and, then I get write back into an Abbott/costello routine when trying to describe how love is experienced BETWEEN people, but

actually resides WITHIN each individual..   Inside/outside at the same time..

Anyway..  I realize the bible has a lot to say about the characteristics of Love,

But for (me!).. one of the KEY characteristics of TRUE LOVE is


The greater the sacrifice, the more true the love.

So..  this brings me to:    God gave his only Son..
and thoughts about the magnitude of that sacrifice..

and how we see this love and sacrifice everyday when we encounter families and people who risk their lives

-military, first responders, missionaries, etc.

to save the lives of others.


God, the Father; Jesus, the Son; the Love between them = the Holy Spirit..

so, when you allow your life to be guided by the Holy Spirit

you are guided by True Love.




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