Friday, August 01, 2014

Tangible Memories... By (me!) Sandra, tvgp

I cannot think of the word 'process' without hearing tavis Smiley's voice:  "how do you process that?" He's asking me.

My answer:  "I am still trying to process..!"

It is a very specific experience..   The current generation will not experience it ever with the same shock value or intensity because the current generation,  being photographed and filmed from the womb.. Through every stage of life..

The current generation, with the internet, Facebook, instagram, snapchat, pinterest, twitter..

The current generation with blogs, and tumblr and camera phones..

With twelve friends capturing life moments, each with their own individual camera phones; from every perceivable angle..

They are desensitized to seeing pictures of themselves.

They are -and will not be shocked years from now, to see a vine of themselves from years or decades past.

But for us..   My parents, born in 1943; myself, born in 1966,  my siblings, my peers..

It is just "WILD!".  .. I mean, it is one thing to come across pictures you knew existed; to see again, years later, pictures that had faded in memory and can be recalled.

But it is ALL TOGETHER A VERY DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE to come across pictures or video you never knew existed!

To come across what maybe you thought was only a memory in your heart and mind..

But you find out.. There is a tangible record!  Wild, wild, wild!

And I am deeply grateful.. And I am still processing..

(Dear brain initiative committee..  (Me!) Again..)

But I got to watch a family video last night..  And in it, among many other places and people and events:  my mom, as a teenager, snuggled up on a couch with her overly  affectionate boyfriend.. And a big kiss!..

My maternal grandfather with his banjo..(RIP)   Next to my mom-ma..(RIP),  aunts, uncles, cousins, family friends..

All as they were many, several, years ago..    Young, healthy,

Active and quite fashionable on a baseball field..  

Time travel.  Then.. To now..

It certainly helps remind me of the brevity of life..   -seeing my grandparents then, my uncle(s) then..  All now deceased..

And the brevity of youth and health..   My uncle so strong then, claimed by Parkinson's..

Current health challenges of my aging parents and relatives and friends..

Still processing:  -this is the reality of it all.  Dust to dust..

It is too remarkable and miraculous for words; human life.

And it seems ever more clear to me all the time:  we are not humans having a spiritual experience

We are spirits having a very brief human experience.

And now guess whose voice I hear..


"Life is a struggle.. I record it..  Hope it will help you maneuvering through yours

/or something close to that..

"Why I stay in the lab late at night..

I've been staring at these pages for over half. My. Life."


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