Monday, February 03, 2025

Zero Prayer a poem by (me!) sandra mickanen, topps, writeousmom

 delighted to have finished this poem today too!


return me to zero

zero worries or concern

before i knew, 

          before i learned,    -not just fire burns.

return me to zero Jesus

zero caveats or asterisks'

before i knew, 

          before i learned,  -some hearts are made of plastic.

perform your spiritual surgery.   laser zoom write in

slice to find the memories fears got tangled in

extract accumulations of tragedies and sins

divide and

more than, more than, conquer; until my more than a conqueror wins! 

at zero start again

perform your spiritual surgery

zero grudges, zero hate

zero suspicions, zero temptations

zero give-up-its-too-lates

zero will i faint

multiply my guardian angels, exponentially grow my love

pain take, chain break, way make

my life to glorify you, God

remake me light with wings of peace

with thankful prayers which do not cease

i'm giving all i am to you   -My Lord, My Savior, Hero

perform your spiritual surgery on me

return me back to zero

all confidence and zero fear

an ease made up of faith

protection, salvation, consecration

a path your love set straight. 

before i knew to weigh the risk; please fix that scale to zero

im giving all i am to you  -My Lord, My Savior, Hero


hallelujah & amen


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