Monday, February 03, 2025

Son Beams a poem by (me!) sandra, topps, writeousmom

 started here

finished today:

son beams

rescued, restored, redeemed

my eyes are emerald son beams

look in and you'll see

i've been set free; 

from the evil of God's enemy

my eyes, once vacant and dim

light up now from deep within

they shine on you now

showing you how

God's spiritual warfare WINS

rescued, restored, redeemed

my eyes are emerald son beams

my son beams they shine

my son beams returned!

my son beams flash

my son beams burn  -discern

my son beams see write through to truth

distinguish from a pupil; youth

decode a secret

flash light a lie

these emerald son beams, my eyes

God's secret angel spies

lend a hand, offer hope

lift this one's heart back afloat

let that one go, give that to me

battles mine; you've been set free

set free; indeed.


and, without know when, there is still zero prayer poem to finish..  but not today..


selah! hallelujah! & amen! 


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