Monday, February 03, 2025

#fashion #MagicOfMacys #bestmomever

 2025, i'm going to overcompensate for not having written on the topic of fashion for the 1st 19 years of this blog..

i've been collecting pictures of fancy nancy..   and friends/family here and there, to ultimately write about, and will in the near future 

today..  look at my beautiful mom, in this beautiful blouse!

    -givin' myself some daughter points, because i picked it out to gift her..

but look how pretty!  i am always on the look out for an attractive neck line; something different..  something...  uncommon..

and  -macy's of course, 

but i could not resist..  look at the circle lace v cut detail..  how attractive, and then the pleated detail on the shoulders..   the fabric itself!  the long sleeves..  the flattering way it lays across the body..  and it does come with a built-in lining, which is also a crucial thing i look for before purchasing..  but my mom added an additional camousel for warmth, because.. it is february and quite cold out..

and for outdoors, and for the chinese new year celebration, added a red sweater over it..

i did not see another circle lace v neck blouse anywhere in the store, but if it were available in more than one color... "sold!" 

fantastic look!  -and i love,  -we love,  

coordinating fashions  (and/or matching t-shirts; halloween costumes) for spouses..  

cute, attractive and fun factor..   red looks great on both of them!

i have a whole collage of my husband and i in matching t-shirts, that spans seven years now.. and who knows how many different occasions..  business logos..   etc.

but here, for winter months..  long sleeve not available in t-shirt design we liked, so we got design we liked and wore long sleeves underneath



hallelujah & amen


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