Thursday, January 30, 2025

if i could execute an order... (me!) sandra, topps, writeousmom

 i've read this article a couple times now, and will no doubt, re-read..  it is fascinating to say the least..    37 actions.

and it got me to day dreaming,  -how i would LOVE THE POWER to immediately ban any/all pharmaceutical commercials from tv, radio, social media 

go back to when prescription drugs were 'sold' and 'marketed'  'advertised' exclusively to healthcare professionals with the authority (and education) to prescribe the given drug being 'advertised'   - and not the general public

this constant barrage of drugs with constant barrage of words/ideas/suggestions entering people's homes, minds, souls, spirits: 
    suicidal thoughts, kidney failure, brain aneurysm, stroke, depression

    -how many times are these words being repeated in your home?  in your car via radio..
via stores, salons, that leave televisions on for background, in lobbies...

it should be illegal.  it is criminal.  it is negligent.  it is wrong.


borrowing the format from the article mentioned above, my executive order would go something like this:

Action:  Protecting the mental, emotional, spiritual health of all Americans by banning the mass commercialization of prescription- required drugs.    [still working on the wording...]  

    -aware here, a strategy would be immediately implemented by pharmaceutical industry to manipulate over-the-counter vs. prescription required drugs...    we might just end up with more over-the-counter drugs, which should remain prescription only...   so they can continue their profit-oriented barrage...   -write.


What it's about:  This order would put an immediate halt to the airing of prescription-required drug commercials on tv, radio, social media,  and restrict the advertising of such drugs to only healthcare professionals with the authority and education to prescribe the given medication/drug.

Timing:   Write Now

Topic:  Pharmaceutical Commercials/Advertisements


honestly, i have so many more, imaginary... executive orders..   

but i don't even know 

is this something our current president can even do?   -who is in charge?  who has this power?


selah! & amen!  it's a prayer...   


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