Thursday, November 24, 2022
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Dear Spotify, Regarding UI & UX -from (me!) but not only (me!).. countless others
(me!): Thank You Love, for helping me get my spotify all set up and easy on my phone, and! commercial free! /hug, kiss..
Lord knows I had struggled for days.. speaking into my phone, 'open spotify dot com' -and it would! and there would be my playlist; -awesome
but then next day, 'open spotify dot com' -and an entirely different page shows up.. and i can't get to my playlist.. do you remember the popular saying from yesteryear 'insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result'
-well, reverse that for our digital age. You can say the exact same thing but get an entirely different result. -frustrating! as all get out
anyway.. then i started trying being more specific 'open my playlist on spotify dot com' -and one day, "it worked!"
but the next day, the exact same words in the exact same order, -did not work.
that is when you have to call in your adult children, or grandchildren, if you have them
and my daughter came to my rescue. now i don't say anything into the microphone on my phone. there is an app; i click on it, -my spotify opens, i click on my playlist, and -this time of year,
i'll listen to Oh Holy Night, by Christine Aguilera too many times to count,
my daughter also shared this very good news: with spotify, she could text me a link which would allow me to add her music playlist into my music library! -awesome again!
and so naturally, i said with a smile, -would you like to add my playlist to your music library?
um -No.
which made us both laugh. and she did mention having a few 'mom grooves' in her mix.
I cannot for the life of me, figure out why.. why?! with all the technology you do have; all the talent; all the resources..
when my playlist ends, and spotify continues playing music it has chosen for me.. why can't i just immediately 'delete' a song I don't want to finish listening to; and know I never want to hear again?
why can i 'hide' a song, but not delete it? this is very odd; odd vocabulary choices..
the amount of clicking, i have to do to navigate to whatever screen it is "which screen is it?!?" that finally gets me to the page, where i can search... search.. and then press three dots.. and then scroll, and then eventually delete a song..
and if you google.. you can see this is a shared/common frustration for countless spotify subscribers. -why is it being ignored? [all i want for Christmas is, on this same menu, the option to stop a song in in its tracks and remove it from my account... is this a gigantic ask?]
so, -your UX could use a UP -DATE. /and here i thank my son for updating my own vocabulary with UI & UX.. and then, his recommendation to watch the abstract of design/ian spalter episode on netflix, which helped serve as overlap learning..
"Thank You!" -back to my mom grooves & Christmas wrapping amen.
Santa Bliss 2022 Yard Art by (sexy! & topps!) #bliss
our neighbor richard described our yard art as a 'Christmas Card to the neighborhood.' Yes, -we like that. And a full calendar prevented us from doing November yard art this year; we skipped write from frankenstein to santa.. but always a great time, playing in the front yard, listening to Christmas music, chit-chatting with neighbor friends who stop by; enjoying some snacks and drinks..
Tomorrow being Thanksgiving -Sure want to give thanks for the joy of getting to create yard art.
/among many other things we are grateful for.. collage upcoming.
Jesus is the Reason for the Santa Season -amen!
Matthew 10 24-28 Prayer Art by (me!) ~topps
-murders in the news; more murders in the news; more murders in the news..
WE are not strangers to this violence; to this shock; to this pain & anguish & SUFFERING
but nor are we strangers to the healing powers of God; of love.
when i pray for the loved ones of murder victims, i do not use words so much; i employ a visualization exercise
i see a bright love light ribbon and watch it enter through, weave, circle, reinforce.. entering directly into the shock; looping around and entering directly into the epicenter of emotional pain; out and around and then directly into and through the raw unique spaces created through brokenness; love piercing the anger; dispersing otherwise concentrated areas of anguish and despair; God's gentle, compassionate, will and power-full love entering directly into and through the mortal human consciousness as it processes its powerlessness to undo an atrocity
our lives here are fleeting, whether or not they are cut short by an accident, illness or murder
love is infinite and eternal; love exists both within & without a physical human body.
love is omnipresent
God is love.
Psalm 11: 5 one of many. It is clear throughout the Bible; God hates evil & wickedness..
and plenty distinctions between sinners who God loves; and -evildoers, who God detests
Revelation 21: 8
IN JESUS praiseworthy, trustworthy, chain-breaking, pain-taking, way-making name; amen & amen.
Thursday, November 17, 2022
CALLING ALL GENIUSES (me!) ~topps, sandra, tvgp, writeousmom
so, my gmail is full, and i will have to pay for storage, unless i do the very, very tedious job of deleting old emails.
i thought i had set it up so that unopened emails would auto delete
and i have 'unsubscribed' from countless emails, and still they tend to show up..
plus junk emails,
etc., etc.,
EXACTLY because email space does come for free...
how i would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to see, -anyone who wants to email me anything..
you pay to email me. a penny, a dime, doesn't matter, but you cannot SEND ME AN EMAIL FOR FREE!!
not the other way around.
this would eliminate a great deal of unwanted emails that i am burdened with having to delete manually, myself. if you pay even a very minimal amount per email. this will dramatically effect both the sending and receiving of emails. -how important is it?
who can make this happen? introduce yourself, and God bless you! love, sandra
now there is a permanent disincentive to ever 'subscribe' to auto emails, and
a huge incentive to 'unsubscribe' to as many as possible. -the counterproductive effects will ultimately be felt more by companies/businesses/advertisers than individuals; yes?
LIGHTING UP SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA vision gifted to (me!) ~topps
and -how beautiful!- if every cross, on every church, in the entire city of San Jose was lit at night!
and i especially like to juxtapose this vision, for elevating San Jose's status on the map, -against, the City Council's vision for a landmark
because I was just reading about how much money.. and how much time, and how much debt they put us all in, building a new city hall
and, all i can say about that is, -not very financially responsible; and perhaps, more unfortunate than that; because did it even accomplish what they hoped? -personal opinion only, but i think the sonic runway is the best part of the new city hall area, and that was an entirely separate installation by artists.
i love my vision, slash, idea for getting san jose on the map -giving it a bright distinction; a tourist attraction of faith, hope and love!
but, i am also aware, and grateful: San Jose, in is California, which is in the United States of America where we constitutionally have,
-not freedom from religion, but FREEDOM OF RELIGION!! [insert American Flag and fireworks here]
and so, while I am a Christian, and my vision is of Christian Church Crosses being lit up
HOW AWESOME if every building, of every established faith, LIGHTS UP! i.e., we were just treated to special desserts by our Indian Neighbors who were celebrating Diwali. Turns out from my minimal research, the background includes a battle between good and evil, and good winning, results in a FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS
-i see the common denominator; don't you..
good vs. evil, light over darkness..
so, while my initial proposal was exclusive to Christian Churches.. my ultimate proposal is for ALL ESTABLISHED FAITHS in the city of SAN JOSE to LIGHT IT UP @ NIGHT
and now, can you imagine.. driving in the evenings from here to there; taking guests, visitors, to see neighborhoods lit up by FAITH..
the attraction to artists, photographers, travelers.. the view from the air when arriving in San Jose at our Airport...
Now, I sent I don't know how many letters out, to how many churches. It doesn't seem like a giant ask..
but I have not heard back from even one. Yes, our cross is already lit; or we are talking to our congregation about it; or, we are unable; or, we can do led string lights... or, we can light up at Christmas,
NOTHING from anyone; not one response of any kind; utterly ignored.
WOW. -city hall as a landmark, and gazillions in debt, and it is in an isolated location..
but, the light vision: a. looks beautiful b. would be everywhere, in all 10 districts c. cost next to nothing; in comparison d. is a unique magnet of an attraction; setting us apart, making us special for residents, visitors, guests, tourists..
So -I've emailed, I've written, and I'm posting here.
There is a saying in Christian speak: You do what you can do; God does what you cannot do.
So, In Jesus Name.. this vision manifests! WE LIGHT UP SAN JOSE hallelujah & amen.
Sunday, November 13, 2022
"SKOL!" Vikings Fans -from (sexy! & topps!)
so, on 9/8/22, i had written:
we are raiders and vikings fans.. "Just win baby" "come on already.. please win" respectively.
but as of today, 11/13/22, -I mean.. did you see it!?! watch it?!? can you believe it?!? we rewatched the last quarter, twice!
anyway, raiders are 2-7 so far this season, and THE VIKINGS! 8-1!
so, my come on already.. please win.. worked!! "SKOL!"
always exceeding word and character limits (me!) ~topps
don't you know i wrote my little heart out, responding to liccardo's opinion piece in the mercury news. way the programming is, the box will let you write your heart out; there are no hard stops.
but when i went to post it.. this little red -2082 at the bottom.
so i did 'join the conversation' but then had to cut my entire conversation; leaving only the very first two paragraphs, and then posted successfully. -but, that is exactly why i love this blog, -no word or character restrictions. "thank you! again and again
Mayor Sam Liccardo, IN response to your recent Mercury News
Opinion Article
Any misleading
narratives come directly from you, sir.
To use the umbrella word, ‘unhoused’ when you are in fact describing
some people experiencing financial hardship; some people addicted to drugs;
some people with mental illness (manageable to severe); some prematurely
released inmates with dangerous criminal backgrounds; a percentage of
freeloaders, and then still some with any combination of the above, and some
yet to be identified -to say ‘unhoused’
to describe this very diverse population is dangerously and negligently vague.
The term you
‘loosely’ employ in your article, NIMBY, is about as misleading as it
gets. For you to use this inaccurate,
outdated ploy to falsely pit hard working class, tax paying, contributing
citizens and protective parents against people with financial hardships, drug
addictions, mental illness, and/or criminal backgrounds. We will not be pitted against the homeless,
or be pitted district against district, paying for your very costly, failing,
I learned why the problem keeps getting worse when I received a response from Omar Passons. My question was, WHO EXACTLY is solving for homelessness? It usually says, "The City of San Jose.." but without specific names or positions. Answer: a substantial number of people. This includes, staff in Parks, Rec, Neighborhood Services; Office of Economic Development, Housing, Public Works, Library and Office of Race and Equity, and collaborations with County's Office of Supportive Housing and Behavioral Health to name a couple examples.
GOAL: Solve for
homelessness where the absolute most amount of people thrive.
Let us
avoid a repeat of Measure A, in 2016, where you get $950 million, to watch the
homeless population grow. (despite your
pretty & colorful graphic art charts and posters.)
I support the withholding of funding for the homeless by Gov
Gavin Newsom. Having the crisis has
proven very lucrative for some, and has created a disincentive for actually
solving the problem. It's been such a cash-flow, funding, grant and bond
friendly issue.. but let's actually
solve. Tiny homes are researchably
failing. Anyone can do minimal research
and learn that truth. Do not pretend; do
not turn a blind eye and just keep on investing in failing trends; investing in
densely populated caged tiny home sites.
LEAD! SAN JOSE.. Stop. Cut
your losses. Create the larger problem
solving panel. You have hard, but
rewarding work in front of you. BE AN

now adding on further here,
turns out gov gavin newsom is holding homeless funding hostage..
and then just read about senator cortese proposing some audits where homeless funding is concerned.
initially, i was like, YES! let's have some audits!
-then, upon further reading, i learned that senator dave cortese "Co-Chaired" the $950million Measure A.. and Cindy Chaves is the 'architect' of Measure A..
now, i've lost some of my confidence in the audit process; -little conflict of interest seems to be floating to the murky surface.
turns out i was write. (me!) ~topps
this is not an i told you so; (w/arrogance); although i do have a certain gratification vibe traveling through me
rather, it is -turns out i was write (?) (slightly shocked and humbled) or better explained: turns out I (ME!) the math-is-not-my-greatest-strength person.. was write!
and now in a very pedestrian, layperson way, i will share.
while it is true, i am a words person, not a number person, it is also true that i'm pretty sharp when it comes to seeing patterns.
i don't really understand our banking system in a scholarly way..
i definitely do not understand bitcoin/crypto currency in a technically savvy way..
but still,
-from the onset, when the topic of crypto currency entered our casual conversations with family and friends..
-from the onset, i predicted that it would follow the same pattern as our regular currency.
that is to say, -with our regular currency and regular banking system.. banks were created.. people starting depositing their money.. something happened.. when people went to get their own money back for this or that.. the bank simply did not have the money to give.
THIEVES! The bankers literally stole their money. /let's skip what consequences were or were not exercised.
and so, from this crisis, the FDIC was born. And my layperson understanding, is that this FDIC is the organization that -guarantees- money you deposit, is insured.. so to speak, so that you will also be able to withdraw your own money at will.
now, that's what i predicted "who is guaranteeing that the bitcoin/crypto currency you deposit will be there when you want it? -how is it insured? my guess, is that, people will go to get or spend their crypto currency and, one day, -same thing.. it's gone. THIEVES!" (consequences? who would we hold accountable?)
but then, a crypto/digital/online/world wide web version of the FDIC will be born; and everyone will start over, and look for a new seal, from a new organization.. which -insures- so to speak, your crypto currency deposits.
so, that's what im waiting for.. the new crypto version of the FDIC... and curious what they'll call themselves and what their seal will look like..
fun bein' write. amen.
cart before horse is as release before support by (me!) ~topps
i have not been able to get this article off my mind. but i know how to get it off my mind, so
here we go:
article: san jose spotlight, by brian howey, re: california county resentencing pilot program.
This article has remained on my mind
since I first read it on the 9th,
I have long stated that our current jail system does not work; and sets criminals up to fail again in the outside world. When I learned that an inmate being released can leave jail with no money, no job, and no place to live; that is in fact a set up for failure.
That acknowledged,
we do have jails for good reason. And
rewarding criminal behavior by providing an abundance of services, when our
upstanding citizens, with good work ethics, who make many sacrifices to attend
college, or vocational training themselves struggle to find work, shelter, living
wages. It is not easy for anyone. Everyone struggles. So I have that question: How easy or difficult should it be for a
convicted criminal to find shelter, employment, livable income? And who is responsible to make sure a former
inmate succeeds in the outside world?
And if they don’t succeed, -who
is held accountable? At what point do we
let people suffer the consequences for their criminal decisions and activity? And how can we better reward upstanding
citizens for being -upstanding citizens?
I strongly believe in merit based; merit earned rewards.
I was glad to read
about Vejar attending classes at De Anza College, and working for De-Bug, and
moved to see him welcomed home by his family.
In Jesus name, I pray their family thrives.
But I cannot
ignore, also reading, Vejar was convicted on gang-related drug dealing charges
and, it was his THIRD FELONY
[those only represent the ones on record].
And I cannot ignore
reading, The California County Resentencing Pilot Program; awarded $18 million to
D.A.’s, public defenders and non-profits.
What I wouldn’t give to see a bullet point list of the plethora of
programs which have been funded and launched over the past several decades. An
audit of the results.
I cannot ignore
reading about the ‘shortened sentences.’
How, ‘A year into the program,
his [assistant D.A. David Angel] office had
-successfully- shortened another five people’s sentences. Six more could be released… The office also oversaw 101 resentenced
cases from county jails in 2021.
These numbers
seen in isolation can be very deceiving!
Unless you also factor in whether or not crimes went up as inmates were
released; are you factoring in how many store owners had to invest in locking
up their products; pay for extra security because of the new released inmate
Our neighborhood
experienced a crime spike that can be directly correlated with the premature
release of inmates, so when I see the word ‘successfully’ associated with
shorter sentences I am well aware that is utterly subjective and dramatically short-sighted.
Is this a good time
and place to share, I am the survivor of multiple violent crimes. And that the common denominator among the individual
predatory criminals is that they were each released from having served jail
time. Can you see how I might be
personally invested in both: Making certain
convicted criminals are not released to commit more crimes; harm more
people/families AND also very interested in finding new true ways to
help and support released inmates so they do not default back into criminal behavior.
Is this a good time and place to share, my husband’s sister was murdered by her own son. And that her violent, criminal son had ‘graduated’ from three different anger management classes offered by the jail system before he was released. I wonder how much funding supported that program? And who pat themselves on the back for offering it? And called it "successful."
Our system is
broken. Our greatest need is for higher
quality, more accurate assessments and discernment regarding who should remain
removed from society; and who can transition back into civilian life as a contributor;
not a repeat felon.
I cannot ignore, in
one paragraph of the article we learn this, ‘Resentencing Pilot Program’ is
celebrating its one year anniversary
And in a later
paragraph, the Assistant D.A. ‘agrees lack of resources for people leaving
prison is a problem that needs to be addressed.
His office is hoping to launch new programs to provide that
help by January.
Honest to our good
God.. did you receive 18 million to
launch a program that releases convicted criminals EARLY, without having a plan
for their support needs? The support they'll need IS AN AFTERTHOUGHT!?! This level of
incompetence is exactly why we remain in the mess we are in.
WE need to return
to the fundamentals. Jail is bad; it is
not supposed to be a place you want to go to.
The chance you may go to jail for criminal behavior should create a disincentive
so great, that you DO NOT COMMIT CRIMES.
IF YOU DO COMMIT CRIMES -I Pray you are caught, and you absolutely
should be punished and go to JAIL. -For
certain crimes, remain there permanently.
When you destroy,
violate the human rights of others; you forfeit your own right to share the
planet with the rest of us.
We have spent too
much time, money, resources on pampering and enabling our criminals; while
simultaneously removing authority and autonomy from our officers and deputies. We need to go back to the basics: Reward upstanding contributors. Catch and convict criminals. Create disincentives for jail time and
criminal activity; Create incentives for careers in law enforcement -those who protect and serve; -no more incentives for those who violate
and steal.
I want to close by
sharing that I’ve been forced, via multiple victimizations (by released
inmates) to consider and think about these topics my entire life. And a rather new thought and consideration for
me, is this use of the term ‘non violent’ crime. Does the buying and/or selling of drugs fall
in this ‘non violent’ category?
It is my
observation and opinion, that the way drugs can hijack/kidnap a human beings
brain; destroy the individual and their entire family -drug damage to the brain can be equal to bodily
damage by a fight, knife or gun. I am
certain it should not be considered ‘non violent.’
Is this a good time
and place to share, how many neighborhood kids, I watched lose their
minds/lives to drug related activity? The unfathomable pain and suffering
experienced by grandparents, parents, siblings; loved ones in general, forced
to watch their drug addicted family member slip away
My husband, a Retired
Correctional Deputy for Santa Clara County, has 27+ years worth of direct
experience, observations and insights regarding criminals. If he were given 18 million, he would invest
in prevention programs, which reach out to elementary and middle school age students,
informing them of the true horrors of using drugs and how becoming criminals
prevents them from having productive lives. The vast majority of inmates he supervised had
a past of criminal behavior that started in middle school. He explains, there is not enough done in our
culture to create fear, shame or discouragement for drug dealing and other
crimes. To the contrary, our culture
continues to glamorize, incentivize, and almost reward criminal behaviors.
We both know and
agree, that anytime a person commits a crime of any kind, and is not caught or
penalized; that immediately empowers the person to commit more crimes, and the
severity of the crimes will escalate.
“In 2017, Vejar was convicted on gang-related
drug dealing charges in Santa Clara County.
It was his THIRD FELONY.” after prison is a complex path.. We pray for you & your
there; it is off my mind. in Jesus name, hallelujah & amen.
Wednesday, November 02, 2022
When it rains; it poems. X-acto-ly by (me!) ~topps.
Empty canvas’ is all I seek; Inspired each day of the week.
All pulp and no fiction, create my own diction
use color like words; my art speaks
Fastest glue gun in the west. X-acto blade slinger, -the best.
I can cut paper to pieces
-shame your art theory thesis
Find write what I need in a mess
You stuck with a color wheel flat? Can’t tell glossy from matte?
I can cut hair fine white whiskers, with a sharp pair of
And detail the Siamese in a cat.
Ain’t nothin’ I don’t wanna make. Don’t matter how long it
I can paper punch flowers, keep crafting for hours
And mix media while my shrinky dinks bake.
Arts and crafts always lift
-paint makes my mental gears shift
When my creative heart beckons; Custom stickers in seconds!
My fav, -the
personalized gift
I don’t use books or take courses; have zero artistic
No paper untorn;
“mosaic!” reborn!
If it don’t fit -I, rip, cut, trim, try again.. and if I want to; I force it.
Original, fresh and new.
But I can share my creation with you
Give me a minute, I’ll design a quick template
Step by step, then skip to my hue
by Sandra Harrison Kay
AKA: WriteousMom AKA: ~topps.