Mission Peak in Fremont w/(bruno's! & rito! and 45 min later..... (sexy! & tops!)
...we had to stop several times along the way
A. to take pictures
B. to drink water and catch our breath
C. to enjoy the view
D. to rest our unconditioned bodies
E. all of the above.
and i had to laugh, because you know how in the movies, they show how people traveling in the desert will see water, only to find out it was a mirage
well, about 3/4 of the way up... i started seeing a giant salami sandwich
and boy was i ever glad, that just 2 or 3 days ago, i had clipped all my toe nails.
spectacular! views... probably the best day of the year, climate wise, to take on this hike..
really grateful for the experience! "Thank You!" Bruno's xoxo and for the wonderful lunch and visit afterward
awesome day all the way around /and then straight to bed.
we made it! "Thank You!" Jesus.. amen.
Monterey Valentines -for (me! sexy! & the bruno's) #monterey
i love my sexy
i love our friends
i love monterey
"i love my collage app!"
now, as we were all walking, talking.. and i came across this:
the priscilla boat..
only to myself, i said to God, i said with an internal smile,
one of my all time favorite people and stories
but that was going to be it. in that moment, i knew i would briefly
only internally, reflect.. smile.. move on
i had no intention of posting a CH
but then, as you can see..
as we kept walking and talking,
these two come within view, and i was like, -fine. i will post the Cerebral Hyperlink,
because had i only seen the boat, or only seen the jehovah witnesses, i could have skipped the post,
but when i saw the Priscilla boat, and the jehovah witnesses together
-how can i ignore signs like that?
plus.. it really is one of my favorite courtyard marriott memories
and wherever you are these days, priscilla, i hope you are blessed, favored, anointed and enjoying a great life
In even Jesus has to laugh at this one's name..
San Juan Bautista & Hollister Day Trip w/celebrity corgis, (cashew! & almond!) #213 @writeousmom
san juan batista is a 'return to the scene of great times!' visit
an inaugral visit to
pour decisions in hollister, which opened, God bless 'em, July of Covid year..
not easy for any restaurant, of any kind
co-owned & operated by Nick, Joe & Jonathan
friends of Mickanen & Ramirez
your taproom is awesome! ~perfect vibe
great community
and, really...!?!?
ice~cream beer truck
the best!
my very first stout~shake "encore!"
here's some fun-to-know pour decisions 411
-the scrabble letter icons, with the P & D..
were the result of their initial vision:
a family-friendly, board game, cafe...
covid interrupted
and the 'pour decisions' branding with the words sitting on a design..
well, the design is from a 90's band
wu-tang clan
who sings, CREAM..
Cash Rules Everything Around Me
but, fun with words..
they changed the C for Cash, into
C for Craft.. -as in, craft beers..
so, they have the very novel, beer CREAM truck..
and a kind of hybrid branding,
-Pour Decisions
-Craft Rules Everything Around Me
and have 90's music pumping through their outdoor speakers
-great vibe! and our first, but not last visit to Hollister
"Cheers! & Amen!"
#san juan bautista #hollister
The Nature of our Walks -February 2021 (sexy! & tops!)
Poetry & Politics II by (me!) sandra, tvgp
politician A will save you! answer every prayer
politician B says A's a liar
A says B is an incompetent fool!
with a long list of ugly priors
its your civic duty, with your abundant spare time
to hunt and dig, and read, and research, and compare and contrast, and weigh and judge..
and figure which of two evils are less
doomin or gloomin, ~ politicians are human
at some point you just have to guess
on my imaginary website for politicians there is a hyperlink on every promise which answers
the question "HOW?" and bullet points the steps, the people resources, the financial resources, etc. for accomplishing their goal AKA: promise.
i.e., on mr faulconer's website it reads,
I know we can restore California’s promise of freedom, equality, and opportunity.
so, that was very clever wasn't it... "California's promise...."
but anyway.. i wish i could click on each word, freedom.. and see what the plan is... over how much time, cost, ?
equality... specific goal... plan of attack? how exactly... over what amount of time.. who is involved.. what is the cost...
and i have to say.. on the issues page for faulconer; with the addition of the hyperlinks/info..
he's our hero!
that's my educated guess. amen.
APA! -for creativity for (sexy! & tops!) #ispeakmosaic @writeousmom
it has already been mentioned, how we watch church tv, and pray every morning -and included in our daily morning prayers -in addition to, for family, friends, health, neighborhood, first responders, Godly wisdom...
we pray for creativity
and what creative fun we are both currently having within our home, "Thank You Jesus!"
-for Robert & I, together we made the valentine dinner from a recipe which already existed, but! just yesterday, with no recipe at all,
using some of the left-overs from the valentine meal, and in an effort to use up/do something with different ingredients in the refrigerator -without fresh, this n' that, but dried versions of this n' that in spice jars.. without specific measurements, but just kind of wingin' it
or, having just watched/enjoyed the disney movie, 'soul'
i might say, 'jazzin'
-utterly spontaneously, very creatively, this unscheduled inspiration resulted in a very delicious, flavorful, creamy, -what he has named, "shrimp bienville soup"
he wrote nothing down during the actual making... but remembered best he could and wrote it all down this morning.
"our prayers for creativity are being answered" i said with a smile,
and for me too!
after a false start re-doing the fireplace bricks, trying to paint a bold mural inspired by a designer paper.. slightly discouraged i started to pray..
what do i love? where is my gift? -because painting is not actually in my wheelhouse as the saying goes
but the two things i sure do love, -beautiful paper & mosaics
so i am in the process of paper~mosaic-ing the fireplace bricks. bliss! that is my state of mind during the process; which, like Robert's, shrimp bienville soup'
has no recipe. no map. no template. it is equally spontaneous, decide as i go... little bit of this; little bit of that.. some new paper, some old paper..
and i am like, "Thank You!" Jesus -for our creativity. Individually, and as a team.
hallelujah & amen
Best Pastrami Sandwich, hands down.. for (sexy! & tops!)
refuge, san carlos
straight to the top! of our "we'll be back and bring friends!" list of restaurant pubs. not since greenberg's deli, in las vegas have i enjoyed every. single. bite. of . a pastrami sandwich. we were both wow'd. -not inexpensive; but worthy of the drive, and price. "thank you!" for a fantastic experience.. awesome sandwich, delicious cold beer, wonderful community vibe...
The Toasted Slaw #19
Pastrami, coleslaw, swiss (not melted), crazy russian dressing and toasted rye
"to drive for!"
Kevin Faulconer for Governor -decides (sexy! & tops!)
after very little reading and research, we have decided to endorse kevin faulconer as gavin newsom's replacement.
personal website speaks on the same side of -most- of the issues important to us. decent track record in san diego..
of course we dug a very little to see opposing views..
and learned of the ash street 'scandal' -and it was during reading about this.. and realizing how much more there would be to read.. huge disincentive to get involved in politics
the amount of research, time, effort -just this one issue might take..
and it's all volunteer time, effort, research, energy.. because we are not getting paid for it...
when you add up how much time, effort, energy, research it really takes to make an informed decision on any given politician
-who is spending their valuable, irretrievable life time doing such a thing for free?
not us.
gavin's leadership seems to result in good things getting bad, and bad things getting worse.
and faulconer's leadership seems to result in good things staying good, and some bad things (but not all) getting better.
and so, we've made up our minds, and will get back to the people and things we love.
Poetry & Politics by (me!) sandra, tvgp
what a mistake; we've oft'n made -and stares me in the face; hmmm
so on purpose to oust the gov - unschooled on who'll "replace him!"
it has happened on very large scales -dictators finally taken down! without foresight or knowledge as to who/how the people will be governed in the aftermath -sometimes, one mess removed; only creates another to clean
the lesson...
BEFORE; or at very least during the removal process... know as much as you can, about what will follow -will you end up going backwards? repeating the same with a different cast of characters? or elect new leadership which actually improves things for the people and moves them forward?
the goal... of course!
actually improve things for the people and move them forward.
that said, i am concrete in my desire, and have signed the necessary petition to have gavin newsom recalled. -please! and it can't happen soon enough,
and how often i scratch my head... how did? i mean, san francisco went downhill under his leadership as mayor, but he was promoted to governor?
i was under the impression you had to do a good job before getting promoted..
let's take a look at, San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer 'ran the state's second largest city for six years'
report card? from the citizens
and i'll be researching a little here, and a little there to learn whether or not Faulconer would improve things for Californians
-floating to the top of my concerns: we need someone intelligent about crime & consequences; public safety; and we need some geniuses to address the growing homeless crisis
*these are givens: proper/best for all distribution of vaccine for pandemic; schools/education; roads/highways/transportation; taxation with actual representation; transparency; accountability.. long list here,
i will abbreviate only: we do have our geniuses don't we: i've watched a few episodes of Stephen Hawkings Genius series on PBS. wonderful! taking on such big life questions; complicated problems and explaining in laymen terms.. that alone is a sign of genius if you ask me..
but the type of genius we have...
the type of genius we have been gifted... world wide internet; cell phones; -choreography of communications systems.. A.I., virtual technology, advances in medicine... visits to space...
well, there is the type of geniuses we have, vs. the type of geniuses we need: we need minds which can address the growing homeless population
it is of great interest/fascination to me, the scope of services which do already exist: in my county alone, for example, there appears to be no shortage of services; and yet such a growing population..
-yes, via correspondence i learned the CDC suggested due to covid 19, no homeless people be relocated at the current time..
but, before the pandemic... increased during... increasing still...
once the CDC does give the greenlights.. then what? remember, we have homeless due to financial hardship; homeless due to drug/alcohol addictions; homeless due to mental illness.. and any given mixture of the three major contributors
-i'm already getting off track; so, just here mention -i will be researching the potential candidates who will replace gavin newsom
and! in my imagination, said candidates should each have their own, very average-citizen-friendly websites which share in bullet point fashion, where they stand on the important issues, each with hyperlinks to learn more about -why- they stand where they do...
was fascinated to read again, and in 2021! when so many platforms exists for the individual and therefore remove the media middleman
well, i am reading, let us dream, the path to a better future, Pope Francis.. i have to say, i was rather taken aback, by reading, on page 87, hardcover: "Yet the framing of the synod by media linked to particular groups reduced and simplified the whole work of the Synod to this one issue, as if this synod had been called solely to decide whether or not to...."
and very intentionally i have left off there, because my issue is not with the one decision...
my issue is this: how, in 2015.../2020/2021, etc. is the media still framing anything?!
they had their day... yes, before we had our own websites, tweets, instagrams... before we had our own easy access platforms, when print newspapers/news stations were the only source
of course they could pick and choose, edit at will.. persuade.. reduce.. exaggerate... omit...
but, if any citizen wants the actual true scope of issues, discussions, results of a synod
-remove the media,
go directly to the synod website. in my imagination, this resolves the problem Pope Francis shares in his book: i paraphrase here: 'the synod addressed 12 vital issues successfully; but the media framed the synod as only addressing 1 controversial issue'
/note here: i love this
pg 88 Aquinas's teaching that no general rule could apply in every situation allowed the synod to agree on the need for a case-by-case discernment.
amen that!
now, for the time being, I believe I can share my opinions here, on my blog; and in fact i have, on many of the hot topics of the day
and if 'the media' wants to say true or false things about me.. and people turn to the media for their 'truth'
when the actual 'truth' is available write here..
-so be it
but! are we headed backwards -because at the same time i am writing about how the media should no longer be able to frame things incorrectly, or reduce things... etc.,
because we have been gifted individual platforms..
for the first time in my life
i have been hearing personal testimony after personal testimony about how individual platforms are being selectively removed/erased/blocked..
people being banned...
the most shocking thing i've heard in the past year -people who were registered as republicans; changing their political status out of..
out of -fear.
honey.. this is not the united states of america i was born into; or the united states of america i can support.
-free speech has been one of the greatest assets of our democracy; the thing that seem to separate us from the ugly dictatorships of other countries around the world;
spares us from tyranny
where it is mandated that you agree with one point of view, or are banned?
you agree with one point of view, or are threatened...
you agree or else!
free speech is on the endangered list -in the united states of america?!?
i have learned of conservatives having their personal platforms in various social media permanently banned
this is hideous to me..
nothing can stunt your growth quite as dramatically and intensely and consequentially as hearing only one point of view
and out of all the issues i have mentioned in this post: homelessness, crime & consequences..
all of the problems, crises need the input of many different schools of thought to be resolved.
-or at the very least; managed in a way that decreases vs. increases the problem.
i am a huge fan/supporter of free speech..
don't let it slip away; vote accordingly.
now, where shall i turn for the 'truth' about Kevin Faulconer? -a moderate republican..
a news network? a conservative third party website/social media platform?
a liberal third party website/social media platform? the government website?
private citizens website? kevin faulconer website?
where are you turning for your truth? how well can you listen? to other points of view...
I do regard myself as a very good listener. -i process this way:
I first understand how it is that i arrived at my own point of view on any given matter... and this usually involves many things, where i was raised, what schools, my family/friend influence, neighborhood, things i've read, things ive heard, shows i've watched; what i've been exposed to; my own life experiences, etc.
so, the first thing i do, as a listener, is not just listen to where a person stands on any given issue; but i factor in, and try to inquire.. how it is that they arrived there.
and, everyone has different exposures based on their upbringing, family/friends, neighborhood, school, tv shows, literature, time in history they were born -life experiences, etc.
when you understand this: -how YOU arrived at your point of view
you can then learn, and even, understand, how it is that someone else, arrived at a different point of view.
understanding is healthy.
free speech is healthy.
when you don't even try to understand... when you limit yourself by choice, or by bullying, to only one point of view -the result is spiritual cancer.
with love, -amen.
did i write this entire post without mentioning human trafficking? -see how we are drowning in so many crises simultaneously that....
another area we could really use some more geniuses...
Public "Thank You!" to (emeril lagasse!) from (sexy! & tops!)
now, the even bigger "THANK YOU!" goes to my sexy.. but he was inspired by one of emeril's valentine dinner shows
and as a result, well three or four times i said with a smile,
i said, "my children would not even recognize me write now... i'm only known for grilled cheese sandwiches"
but together, as a team, with my sexy leading the way, we took on Oysters Bienville, Episode: Foolproof Romantic Dinner, Emeril Live ~plus lobster Level: Advanced!
now, it did take over an hour, all the prep.. and i have personally never pried open an Oyster.. that took some real doing... seems risky to the fingers, and we had to toss one knife that wasnt up to the task.. separate oyster from shell, rinse all the dirt out... etc.,
but how pretty on the pink rock salt
and the sauce! we made to cover the oyster in the shell...
the second i see bacon in any recipe, "i'm in!"
this has, a little bacon, a little yellow onion, salt; cayenne, minced garlic, butter, flour, milk, wine...
(we omitted the mushrooms), shrimp, parmesan, lemon juice, green onions, parsley,
and an egg yolk
and even though it sure did take a while... we sure had fun cooking together
and, as i say with all of Robert's more involved meals; with just one bite
"it is worth it!" -the time, energy, effort
what flavor! magnificent! oysters bienville, lobster, champagne
best valentine's ever.. and it feels really good to learn from my sexy.. love his influence on (me!)
from grilled cheese to oysters bienville.
i don't think either of my young adult children eat oysters just yet... but it's the point, isn't it.
-never too late to learn
a toast to saint valentine... "cheers!" love, hugs & amen.
-german chocolate cake for dessert.
Writer Friends Forever (squidmann & SHE)
Happy Valentines to Squidmann & Spike
-I keep saying to my friends/family, "Mag Time Frames Forever!" /even though we know...
but, honey.. i am still making them. true story. and love it just as much as i ever did. And so, how wonderful for Valentines.. to post your recent ultra fantastic heart(s) seen contributions; and remember when you & your wife came to make a make a mag time frame in downtown pleasanton... and remember, and Thank Jesus in prayer.. the very reason we ever even met: i wanted to make a commercial for my mag time frame product... and how that resulted in one of the most fun, funny, entertaining, creative, playful and rewarding friendships between two writers. 5 days a week/9 years of blog correspondence if i remember correctly. And "Thank You!" for introducing me to the blogosphere.. i mean look; i have never shut up. a toast.. "to everyone who loves writing!" Happy Valentines Day my forever writer friend ~sandy cheeks
By a rather talented sparrow on my patio!
-audible laughter... why are these always my favorites? ... the poop, stomped on gum... spills... otherwise trash & toxins, -and yet... a hint of love. happy valentines to you & spike! i'll post it on the 14th blessings! ~s.c.
Mother Nature carved this heart into the cliff just for you!
Okay, I hope you appreciate all my work on this one. The heart was formed by the clouds on the TV show “Vikings.” It was on the screen for just a split second. So I rewound the show and recorded the clip with my camera. Then I uploaded it to some movie making software on my computer where I took a still from it. I do it all for you!
The funny thing was later in the show they used the very same clip again as a transition. I doubt that many people noticed it, but I did!
Also, here’s the clip it came from. You can see how quickly the heart appeared and disappeared. Nice catch, Leonard! I think you have me trained!


AWESOME!! yes... well trained! like a heart seen jedi. i'm so proud
and "Thank You!" for these also. I love having my birthday and valentines write next to each other. love. family. friends. cards. chocolate. flowers. gifts. romance. great meals. cake.
hey... wait a minute
we know math is not my strongest suit, but...
if i'm now 55
and we met in the early 2000's
and like, + 18 years or so... -and i'm pretty sure you are like 15 years older? 12? 7?
when i do a little addition, multiplication, division and algebra...
plus factor in a january birthday, so plus subtract a month
that makes you...
OLDer than (me!)
And as a bonus, Melinda took this (blurry) one today!
you two are very blessed!! xoxo what a charming shape on this one
happy valentines!
1 Corinthians 13:13 Valentines Celebrations
APA! Answered Prayer Alert... for (me!) sandra, tvgp
This information feels like a birthday present. From what I have read, researched and learned: We cannot remove Gavin Newsom from office quick enough.
".... a quarter + nickel makes!.." for (me!) ~tops
what a difference! that is,
breakfast at age 25:
diet pepsi, virginia slim cigarettes, hostess cupcakes
breakfast at age 55:
fresh blue, black, straw and raspberries, steel cut oatmeal w/walnuts & brown sugar, black coffee.
2 vitamins
there is hope for (me!) yet!
public "thank you!" here to family/friends for the cards, gifts, texts, calls, visits, etc.
i love you!
in Jesus miraculous name.. hallelujah & amen
Happy Super Bowl Sunday photo collage "Congrats! Tampa Bay"
"I Have A 'Black History Month' Dream!" (me!) sandra, tvgp
and in my dream of dreams, this performance piece is available in book form as a great read, but is also a script, to be performed specifically in February, (* and note here, my Feb 13th bday) annually, in high school and college campuses everywhere.
* I wrote Kissin' The Chocolate Blues during my tenure as Pleasanton, California's Poet Laureate. It is a "Thank You!" Valentine to the author, speaker, writer, humanitarian that most influenced my daily, and my writing life: Dr Maya Angelou
* It opens with my sharing about reading I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, when I was in 4th grade, and being glued to every word, attaching to her story, feeling like friends with her family members, and learning so much about a world and culture I knew nothing about. It was the first autobiography I ever read -And, as I had been kidnapped and sexually violated at age 6 -this common suffering bonded me with the author in a permanent and profound way.
* I share how I eventually happened across Dr Maya Angelou on TV, and this was the first time I was able to put a real life face and [majestic] voice, with the person who wrote the book that so enriched my life -and how amazed with her confidence I became..
* I share about the several long letters I wrote her...
* ...about my pursuit to meet her in person, get an autographed book and a picture with her
* I share about seeing her on TV at President Clinton's inauguration, and listening to her read On the Pulse of Morning -but how, during this time in my life, I had been kidnapped/raped again, by a different predator -was suffering from PTSD and lost my love for the author -and for life itself.
* I share about my healing, and include as a feature, a response poem to On the Pulse of Morning, titled, That's One Slippery Rock
* I share about seeing Dr Maya Angelou speak on three different occasions, sharing her with friends/family, and
* I share about receiving multiple autographed books by Dr Maya Angleou, which I have now on both my shelf, and as wall hangings in my bedroom and art studio
* There is a song by KT Tunstall, called, Suddenly I See, and this is a theme & featured song of the story & performance. The very first time I heard it, and understood the lyrics -I thought of Dr Maya Angelou immediately
Kissin' The Chocolate Blues was performed one night only, at the Firehouse Art Center in Pleasanton, California in February 2014. My cast included only 3 women: Myself, as myself; Faith Alpher as Dr Maya Angelou and Jessica Reaber who sang and played Suddenly I See.
It was well received by the audience, and I enjoyed learning about its impact on individuals in the lobby after the performance. All the work I put into it was indeed justified and rewarded.
Although I do not care entirely for public speaking (but did earn a Competent Toastmaster Degree) -When I am on stage -reading- and sharing this story My heart is on fire with energy and it felt wonderful!
I would love to have it filmed -And I would love to pass it on for others to perform.
For this i continue to pray... in Jesus Name, amen.
/it is how i came up with the title -combining black history month; I know why the caged bird sings, valentines; my bday, presidents day, chocolate, romance... stir.
Poetry History:
while Dr Maya Angelou did pen a poem titled, Caged Bird (...the caged bird sings with a fearful trill, of things unknown but longed for still...)
I know why the caged bird sings, the title of her autobiography, was named by her friend, Abbey Lincoln Roach, who borrowed the phrase from a poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar, titled Sympathy
an excerpt, the last stanza, is this:
I Know why the caged bird sings, ah me,
When his wing is bruised and his bosom sore, --
When he beats his bars and he would be free;
It is not a carol of joy or glee,
But a prayer that he sends from his heart's deep core,
But a plea, that upward to Heaven flings ---
I know why the caged bird sings!
this is just fun for me:
when i did title my performance, i used Kissin' vs. Kissing. -and i believe i was subconsciously influenced because Dr Maya Angelou employs that abbreviation style frequently also. i refer to it as 'talk writing' or 'talk typing' -i suppose now we could say, 'talk textin'
it's when you lean more toward how words sound in conversation vs. how they are actually spelled in a formal dictionary.
unintentional, but check this out: i often abbreviate, Kissin' The Chocolate Blues to, KTCB,
and what do you know: I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
remember, i am nothing, if not self-entertaining.
Happy Black History Month, Happy Birthday all you Aquarians! Happy President's Day...
what's the common denominator? Happy! #firehouseartcenter