over 5 decades of life experience has taught (me!) -and so, i will not let the news dictate my memories of 2020. and my 5+ decades have taught (me!), on the one year anniversary, on the 5 year, 10 year.. the news will relentlessly revisit and remind every tragedy, trauma, injustice
but as we move forward... i have no need or desire to marinate in the toxins
and so i am creating my own memory collage of 2020, and it will be visible for our eyes to land on every day
and I am "Thank You!" over and over to God, because, honestly.. Vasona; Half Moon Bay, Monterey/Asilomar; Perk Ponds; Newport; James Lick Observatory; Pebble Beach, milestone bday celebrations, family/friend visits, amazing meals.. things cleaned, organized, decluttered.. plenty of movies, popcorn, romance, art, debt relief.. a million positive wonderful experiences; back to back to back...
In Jesus name.. amen!
Worthy of a global audience! applauds & happy tears from (sexy! & tops!)
sent to us by my daughter -and we both watched, listened, smiled.. shed a happiness tear or two.. way precious, way valuable
"ENCORE!!" The ABC's by Sam & his beat-boxing dad on instagram
APA for (me!) & my (sexy!)
it took over a year... some months i'd be very productive; some.. did nothing, let other things be the priority. passing this room with door open.. and the picture here probably represents the 1/2 way point -lots done; lots still to go..
but there was, has been this lingering spiritual weight. and there were days i felt it was just too overwhelming..
but i started saying out loud, in the months of august and september... i starting promising Robert that i would address the room in the month of October. i prayed..
it is hard to explain how i can have so much energy and go when it comes to yard work, work itself, creative projects, but how this decluttering/organizing was so daunting..
but longer post made short, i have yet another APA -Answered Prayer Alert.. and the now the room, looks like an actual room, and not an oversized storage closet. Praise God again.. and again!
hallelujah & amen! xoxo
THOUGHT as read, re-read, and re-read by (me!) sandra, tvgp
this very morning, when we were watching joyce meyer, she mentioned she had gone to church for YEARS without ever learning about her 'thought' life. and i've blogged on this topic many times already, so just briefly re-mention
YES! i must have 30 to 40 books in my personal library, secular, Christian, buddhist, some combination.. academic, intuitive..
THEY ALL TEACH THE SAME THING using different words -but, it has proven very true in my life
i am consistently conscious of my thought life; i hold every thought captive; delete or override any thoughts which do not line up with God's word
i proactively override any destructive thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts; remembering always you cannot be conscious of more than one thought at a time; so while you are experiencing a positive creative thought; you cannot simultaneously be conscious of a negative/destructive thought
i believe this practice has a great deal to do with how i am currently living a victorious, happy, healthy, creative, loving, joyful life. i will remain in this practice for the entirety of my life
but sure do remember how this skill, this practice, this ability to be aware of, and consciously choose new or different thoughts was impossible with PTSD. How far God has brought me.. how healed and whole i am! Praise God! hallelujah & amen...
Jonah and the Gourd?!? ponders (me!) sandra, tvgp
i'm left with this curiosity: why have i never; never, ever.. not once, heard about jonah and the gourd? i've heard about jonah and the whale over a gazillion times, by i don't know how many pastors, over how many years, via church, and tv and radio...
but jonah and the gourd....? and so, of course, i started asking everyone within earshot.. anyone with some Christian experience.. "if i say jonah... what's the first the thing that comes to your mind?"
"whale." same answer, over and over; no exceptions. and so i say, "ever heard about jonah and the gourd?"
and like me, no one has.... and is that as curious to you? when you consider how long i've been watching joyce meyer, joel osteen, bishop t.d. jakes..
-but out of those top 3
i would most want to hear bishop t.d. jakes interpretation... he can get more out of one word in the Bible than most can get out of the whole book!
all for now, -amen.
Mother/Daughter Pumpkin Painting!
followed by a most wonderful family/friend ribs/cornbread dinner ("thank you Robert!")
perfect climate, pretty lights, delicious meal, delightful company
"Thank You!" Jesus -amen.
"Bullet Train Platform for Cars & Trucks!" by (me!) ~tops
so, the colloquial conversation in coffee shops, by people who read headlines here and there, but do no research, and have no actual idea of cost, resources needed, time, energy, physics, etc.
people like myself,
just picking up a few lines from a conversation here, and a conversation there..
if you dropped the topic of "the bullet train" from northern to southern california in any given conversation; it might go something like this
"that is the stupidest idea! a total waste of money.. a bullet train.. give me a break.. if it's not going get people there much faster than their own car.. and you still have to rent a car at the other end.. and if you can take an airplane for less money and less time... how stupid! we'll spend all this tax payer money and no one will use it.. an utter waste!"
-and, i've a heard a version of that sentiment from different people at different times
also, many times people bring up the private contract to create it, vs. government employees...
i myself, thought it wasnt a bad idea at all, and my thinking was the result of considering only how many people the project itself could potentially employ who could really use the job and income.. "lots of jobs!"
but on our recent drive down south -to orange county from san jose,
in the middle of having to dodge this selfish idiot driver over there, and this "pick your lane already!" driver over there..
it popped in my imagination with great clarity "a bullet train for cars and trucks!"
i said with a smile to my sexy, i said, "in my imagination, instead of a bullet train for people.. we should have a bullet train for vehicles! and at a station here, you drive your car up on a platform, stay in it, and it bullets you in super speed to the other side, and then you just drive off..."
he liked the idea
-and it seems to me to fall in line with what humans have always, and will always find ways to do:
get from here to there FASTER
-from point A to point B, whether that is from sick to healed, or from ground to space, or from hired to promoted, or from bitter to merciful, or from angry to peaceful, from raw to cooked, on and on, etc., etc.
but the real value of having a platform where you can drive your car up on it, stay in it, and zip to southern california in say, 3 hours, vs. 5 or 6, or 7
-the real value.. i re-realized when we sat parked on the grapevine for 45+ minutes due to another car accident ahead..
not just speed, but SAFETY! i mean, if you have a group of cars stationery, not trying to dodge each other.. big safety factor
but add to speed and safety -CONVENIENCE! oh my, -when you arrive in orange county, you just put your car in drive, and pull of in the destination city.. you don't have to rent a car.. move any luggage from here to there.. just go!
how awesome would that be..
so, i am convinced, we can employ lots and lots of people, creating a bullet platform for cars and trucks, which people would actually use! which could shave several hours off the current drive time from northern to southern california, which would increase safety, decrease accidents, and be way convenient! potentially even fun...
and this is perhaps where some of our greatest ideas take place.. in the coffee houses of our imaginations where hot ideas flow free
who shall i cc? elon musk?
in Jesus name, amen!
Back to back blessings for (sexy! & tops!)
"Thank you Jesus!" amen
Favorite Columbus Day Memory for (me! and Keeshie!)
Columbus Day Italian Heritage Day Parade, San Francisco, California on the single most beautiful day of the whole that year...
October Bliss 2020 by (sexy! & tops!) #bliss @writeousmom
and i keep hearing the melody to "our house" by crosby, stills & nash; changing slightly the lyrics to:
"... our house, is a very, very, very, fun house. ~with two cats in the yard... life used to be so hard...
now everything is easy 'cuz of yoooouuuuuuu"
hallelujah & amen.
p.s. i've made it so that if you type the word, 'bliss' in the search bar of this blog, you have access to our growing journal of yard art creations.
for the love of primer.. new brick art by (me!) ~tops
it's like erasing a chalkboard.. cover with primer; create a' new. we will now live with this brighter abstract look for a while... -re-creating designs in the same space, this is my joy!
"Cheers!" from Pillar Point, Half Moon Bay
"thank you!" again to san bruno & santa maria.. no better way to beat the heat than with true friends, custom RV, beautiful views, wonderful community, stimulating conversations, delicious meals, and!
Chupacabra punch "cheers!" hallelujah & amen