Monday, April 27, 2015

Commencement speech for high school grads by (me!) sandra, tvgp #juryduty

the best commencement speech ever.. goes to Ellen degenerous.

I won't even try to compete only encourage you to watch. Mine won't win any awards.  I'm not interested in winning awards. I'm interested, as God is.. in winning hearts and minds..

my commencement speech goes like this:

I was a juror. I listened to two separate "expert witnesses"  -with equal educations, experience, training give two entirely opposing testimonies.  they each were paid an enormous amount of money.

There are many lessons in just that one paragraph. -name them.

what is the most important one?

-learn to think for yourself.

In that order.

"Congratulations on making it this far!"

celebrate and carry on...

God loves you!

"Cheers! And amen!"


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