MY BOOK DEAL & "SAVE THE DATES!" by (me!) sandra, tvgp
slowly spreading the word about my first book (not including the poetry one/no longer in handcrafted print). -got a note from my beautiful friend lisolette on facebook that read
book deal? details please..
so, YES, i have a book and here's the deal:
i grew impatient with the traditional publishing method: submitting queries/proposals to agents and publishers
finding only rejections in my mailbox. -i knew if i kept that up i'd grow too disspirited to continue
"so n' so got 36 rejections before s/he got published!"
i've heard that story, with a different horrific number (75 times! 83 times!) -and a different author's name, a million times.
-good for so n' so- i don't have that kind of patience; that strong of heart; that thick of skin; or that kind of time.
so, true to my nature, i took matters in my own hands and have self-published through
i'm familiar with wingspan and david collins through the publishing/distribution work he's done for karen hogan's annually published anthologies: literary harvest's (see books on my website,
and thank you to david collins and wingspan press, my book will be available for sale and on the market late april/early may 2009. -in just a matter of weeks!
I AM VERY PROUD AND EXCITED! eat, write & exercise is a collection of my best creative non-fiction stories, + a few special poems, + a few select sandyland cartoons from the archives, written by me, and illustrated by my extraordinary artist friend nancy eddinger.
it is a fun, funny, uplifting, insightful, candid, honest and creative collection of some ..30+.. quick, short, easy-to-read stories, most of which feature my family/friends/co-workers & neighbors while highlighting via settings, this magical place we live: pleasanton, california (the tri valley...)
and because i'm self-publishing -which gives the author enormous creative freedom-
i was able to do several things that most publishers/agents would discourage:
i wrote & published using my own/organically grown style of grammar, style and punctuation.
i included photos/graphics i wanted
i put my mug on the cover (photo taken by my daughter/magically altered by alyssa retodo of icvdm), even though i'm not a recognized professional or celebrity. ( i like to think of myself as "pre-famous" -thank you)
i included really mushy/gushy, cliche' and over the top heartfelt dedications..
-because i can. because i wanted to. because i mean it.
i organized/edited myself
i put comments on the back from comments left on my blog, which will make sense to some/but not to others, because of the colloquial abbreviations (people who know, know, and people who don't, will ask and catch on.. -this is my thinking).
it is quite specifically creative non-fiction which is less recognized as a genre than popular others (my local barnes & noble for example, does not YET have a creative non-fiction section, but does have literature/biography/memoir/history/mystery, etc. -and non-fiction in mostly "how-to & documentary format, but no creative non-fiction) AND all of the creative non-fiction i've included was first crafted on this blog -and BLOGS, while growing in popularity/familiarity, are still relatively new
-so, i'm branching out, voluntarily, on purpose, and at my own expense, into what is unfamiliar territory for many readers
but do so in hopes of contributing, in my unique way, to the overall introduction/popularisation of creative non-fiction and blogs, PLUS helping, in what ways i can, to pave the way for future others...
self-publishing also means self-promoting, so here we go:
come one, come all, come as you are..
come to one, come to others, come near and come far:
preorders/signings/readings/RELEASE & celebrations
LITERARY ROW: preorders
sat. april 4th, 1-2:30pm
5353 sunol blvd. pleasanton (senior center across from raley's)
meet over 30 authors + visual art show/pleasanton poetry, prose & art festival.
MAMAPALOOZA CELEBRATION: readings/signings (or preorders if the book isn't in yet..)
sat. may 9th 6-8pm -featuring debra knox
amelia's gourmet deli & bistro, downtown pleasanton
55 w. angela street, ste 110
for moms/daughters/sisters/friends/nieces/cousins/neighbors...
2+ hours entertainment: music, art, dancing, readings, ... good old fashioned social, creative fun!
sat. may 23rd, 11am -hosted by & thank you to judy wheeler
@ TOWNE CENTER BOOKS, on main street, downtown pleasanton
drinks, dessert and fun readings/stories from eat, write & exercise...
i join my friends and tv hosts, kathy cordova and jim ott, to talk even more about eat, write & exercise.. in a word airs on tv30 m-f 6:30a, 1p & 9:30p
as i say in my book:
every reader is a blessing.
every comment is a gift.
and every self-published book is a small miracle.
~hallelujah & amen!
You got a BOOK??? HOW? You are so cool, new role model.
And of course, that sign is wonderful!
kmg/bbf: -details in this post. PLUS:
"surprise!" included your name & a "ROTFL" comment on the back
email me i'll send you a sneak peek at the back cover.
love, healing, peace & laughter to you! ~s.
OMG you SO ROCK!!! Good for you.
I've been told to self-publish a few things, but I need to get some stuff done before I do that. And they say, too, that sometimes other publishers will pick your book up if you've self-published it first. So GO FOR IT, SISTA!
Incidentally, I don't have the time, patience or skin for 75-100 rejections either--never mind the postage!!
OH yay!!! This is so awesome!!!! :) Also, you are on Facebook??? I must find you, I am ALWAYS on there! ;)
Outstanding! i couldn't be more thrilled for you! you know you always have my 100+% love and support! i can't know i'll be there with open arms! i am so excited for you...i know i'll be telling everyone who crosses my't matter. i know what i need....i need an icecream truck with a bullhorn....everyone will hear me....okay...that's a bit old fashioned....but, i'll think of something...ahhhh....twitter, that's the ticket!
super big hug to you,
kmg/bbf: thank you!! -and don't you just love e-blogger
"your blog post published successfully!"
so really, -you're like me.. we are already successfully published
and you have enough for several volumes; just waiting for the write time/write circumstances to become a book
and i can't wait! -because i love everything you stand for
love, ~s.
p.s. (thanks again because i spy my lucky numbers in your comment time)
karma: thank you!! -and great to have your blog address/catch up again..
yes.. i'm on facebook (sandra kay ttgp/silicon valley) -how do i find you?
and just last night hopped on twitter (WriteousMom) thank you to my friend sue~sue -seems like a quick n' fun one
love, healing, full nights of sleep, fun, joy, peace and happiness being prayed for you, ~s.
speaking of sue~sue: THANK YOU!! it just means the world to me to have your friendship in my life again, your love, encouragement, support
-and the email too
makes my day. helps me keep going..
and so happy to have the bank robbery story included in this book.. which means SO MUCH MORE exactly because you share your memories too.
and THANK YOU!! again.. hopped on twitter last night.. how do i find you? help
see you soon. i love you! ~s.
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